Thursday, February 2, 2017
* it's so big !!!... what, what is so big?! .. " the bathroom" yes, it was. So big. You were in grade school, you had a nightmare.
So BIG was the heart of the boy who very quickly was forced to see the world he wasn't prepared for.. his heart So big. He who coined a phrase, I hold dear, as he wrote this on his sister's door .. Glenda you a M O R N A .. Kim's a Morna, Glenda's a Morna, I am a Morna..... I am a proud MORNA. Owen you will always remind me of a beautiful Husky dog, One eye ice blue, one eye blackened, your dark hair, light eyes, tall and lean as birch tree... You alway strived for the light, the positive,and however it was.. the darkness kept rearing.. tempting you. You are forever in the light~ You are LOVED Owen ~~